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Assignment Of SAD/ Learn Assignment Details in System Analysis and Design Of BCA 2020-23

Introduction:- Hello everyone welcome back to my sites, Well in this post discuss how to write Assignment of SAD(System Analysis and Design), So Don't forget follow me and please subscriber my You Tube channel, then lets go start now.

Discuss in this given post any four Question and write our assignment paper :-

Q1.Explain SDLC in Details. 
Q2.List and briefly describe the factors that affect the quality of system development.
Q3.What is dataflow diagram? How are they different from structure chart?
Q4.Under what circumstances would the analyst depend more heavily on external than internal information? Why?
Q5.What is feasibility study? Write types of feasibility. Explain feasibility study process in details.
Q6. Write short notes on any two:
a. Prototyping 
b. JAD
c. System analyst 
d. Flow chart
By Shailesh J 

Q1.Explain SDLC in Details.

SDLC :- SDLC is a collection of process which are followed to develop a software, It is a mythology that define some process which are followed to develop a high-quality software.
It covers the detailed plan for building, deploying and maintaining the software.
The main aim of SDLC is to define all the tasks required for developing and maintaining software.
It is followed for a software project within a software developing organization.

Some Important Methods / Phase In SDLC 

Phase 1: Requirement Analysis
It is the first phase of SDLC in which all necessary information is collected from the customer to develop the software as per their expectation.
Some important questions like: what is the need of software, who will be end-user, what the future scope of that software etc. are discussed.
The main aim of this phase is to collect the details of each requirement of the customer so that the developers will clearly understand what they are developing and how to fulfill the customer's requirements.

It is the second phase of SDLC in which an organization discusses about the cost and benefits of the software.
It is an important phase because profit from the software plays an important role as if cost is very high then company may face loss. 
After the feasibility study, the project may be accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected.
It measures how much beneficial the product is for the organization.

Phase 3: Design
It is the third phase in which architects start working on logical designing of the software.
In this phase a SRS (System Requirement Specification) document is created which contains all logical details like how the software will look like, which language will be used, database, design, modular designs etc.
This phase provides a prototype of the final product.
Basically, all it includes is design of everything which has to be coded.

Phase 4: Coding
When the designing of the software is completed, then, a group of developers starts coding of the design using a programming language.
The interface of the software and all its internal working according to design phase is implemented in coding phase.
A number of developers code the modules and then all modules are arranged together to work efficiently.
It is the longest phase of SDLC.

Phase 5: Testing
Once the software development is completed, then it is sent to the testers. The testers team starts testing the functionality of the entire on system of code this wrong or right. 
In this phase, the software is checked for bugs or errors.
Whenever a bug is found, then the software is resent to the coders to fix it and then overall software is re-tested.
This is done to verify that the entire application works according to the customer requirement.

Phase 6: Deployment
After overall testing of the software and after checking that is bug free, then the software is launched and available for the users to use it.
Even after deployment of the software, if any bugs or errors are still found then the software
is re-evaluated by the maintenance team and then it is re-deployed with a new version.

Phase 7: Maintenance
The maintenance team look over the software usage and user's feedbacks. 
Maintenance is necessary to eliminate errors in the system during its working life and to tune the software.
The bug fixing, upgrade and enhancement of the software is looked over by the maintenance team.
At last we can say that my all process had completed of SDLC project.

Q2.List and briefly describe the factors that affect the quality of system.
In this case describe affect the quality of system details developing any kind of software product, the first thing a developer should think is about the factors that a good software should have. Before going deep into the technical side, check whether the software can meet all the requirements of the end-user. The activities that come under software quality management include quality assurance, quality planning and quality control.

Just as how important is development plans, software quality also lists out quality goals, resources and time-line for making sure that all standards are met.

>COMPATIBILITY:- The co-existence of how perfectly a software can perform in intended devices like operating system, hardware, browsers etc.

>USABILITY:- It is the ease with which user can interact with an interface. This includes operability and user-error protection in the system

>MAINTAINABILITY:- It show how easy it is to maintain a software with analyzing, testing and changing errors if any error 

>RELIABILITY :- It is the specified time period of a failure-free operation of the system. This includes maturity, availability, recoverability and fault tolerance

>FUNCTIONAL STABILITY:- A software is said to be functionally stable when it meets the implied needs when used under certain given conditions

>PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCY:- It determines how the system performs in different situations with various load sizes of systems data.

>SECURITY:- It is important to protect the sensitive information on both web and mobile-based apps

>PORTABILITY:- The ability of a software to run on different platforms/environment or work with different version of the same program

>TESTABILITY:- The ease with which a software can be tested. It improves quality of software and allows test automation

>SCALABILITY:- The capability of hardware to continue performance when changes are done in volume/ size of the system.
well this all methods important for systems developments.

Q3.What is dataflow diagram? How are they different from structure chart?
Ans :- Data Flow Diagram is a specific strategy of software testing that focuses on data variables and their values. It makes use of the control flow graph. When it comes to categorisation Data flow testing will can be considered as a type of white box testing and structural types of testing. It keeps a check at the data receiving points by the variables and its usage points. It is done to cover the path testing and branch gap.
The process is conducted to detect the bugs because of the incorrect usage of data variables or data values. For e.g. Initialization of data variables in programming code, etc.

Steps of Data Flow Daigram :
1.Creation of a data flow graph.
2. Selecting the testing criteria.
3. Classifying paths that satisfy the selection criteria in the data flow graph.
4. Develop path predicate expressions to derive test input.

The life cycle of data in programming code
Definition: it includes defining, creation and initialization of data variables and the allocation of the memory to its data object.
Usage: It refers to the user of the data variable in the code. Data can be used in two types as a predicate(P) or in the computational form(C).
Deletion: Deletion of the Memory allocated to the variables.

Types of Data Flow Diagram:- 
Static Data Flow Diagram:- No actual execution of the code is carried out in Static Data Flow Diagram. Generally, the definition, usage and kill pattern of the data variables is scrutinized through a control flow graph.

Dynamic Data Flow Diagram :- The code is executed to observe the transitional results. Dynamic data flow Diagram includes:

Identification of definition and usage of data variables.
Identifying viable paths between definition and usage pairs of data variables.
Designing & crafting test cases for these paths.

Advantages of Data Flow Diagram 
a. Variables used but never defined,
b. Variables defined but never used,
c .Variables defined multiple times before actually used,
d. DE allocating variables before using.

How are they different from structure chart?
Ans :- Difference between Structure chart and Flow chart :
1. Structure Chart :
Structure Chart represents the hierarchical structure of modules. It represents the software architecture that means the various modules making up the system and the dependency. Structure chart representation can be easily implemented using some common programming language. The main focus in the structure chart is on the module structure of the software.

2. Flow Chart :
Flowchart is a graphical representation of an algorithm. Programmers often use it as a program-planning tool to solve a problem. It makes use of symbols which are connected among them to indicate the flow of information and processing. Flow chart is a convenient technique to represent the flow of control in a program.

Summary/Conclusion  :- Data is a very important part of software engineering. The testing performed on data and variables play an important role in software engineering.  Hence this is a very important part and should be properly carried out to ensure the best working of your product.

Flowchart, Pseudocode, Algorithm

Q4.Under what circumstances would the analyst depend more heavily on external than internal information? Why?

System users are defined as the people who use information systems or who are affected by the information system on a regular basis i.e. capturing, validating, entering, responding to, storing and exchanging data and information apart from others. A common synonym is client.
There are two main classes of system users and they are discussed below.

> Internal Users :- Internals users are employees of the business for which an information system is built. Examples are clerical and service staff, technical and professional staff, supervisors, middle level managers and executive managers. Remote and mobile users are the new class of internal users. They are geographically separated from the business. Examples of mobile users are sales and service representatives. 

An example of remote user is the person who is associated with telecommunication i.e. working from home. The person can be connected to the company’s information system through modern communications technology. 

> External Users:- Modern information systems are now reaching beyond the boundaries of the traditional business to include customers and other businesses as system users. In business-to-business information systems, each business becomes an external user of the other business’s information systems.

For example, in the case of direct purchasing of product through the Internet, customer becomes an external user of the retailer’s order processing information systems. Another example is that if a business connect their purchasing systems directly to the order processing systems of their suppliers then both become external users to each other.

Learn Details of PROTOCOLS 

Q6. Write short notes on any two:
a. Prototyping 
b. JAD
c. System analyst 
d. Flow chart

A) Prototyping :- It is the model of the software to be built. It can be developed using appropriate software such as 3GL, 4GL with query, screen, report, form, etc. The analyst builds a prototype as per the preliminary or basic requirements of the user. Whenever the prototype is displayed to the clients, they give their suggestions regarding improvement of features, etc., or they may accept it.
This model is useful for determining requirements for the software to be built in the following situations: 
1. Requirements are not clear. 
2. For any complex systems, prototypes are more useful. 
3. In the cases where communication problems exist between customer and analysts, this model is useful. 
4. Tools and data are readily available for building the working system. 

B) JAD(Joint Application Development (JAD):- It is a process in which group meetings are held to analyze the problem and define the requirements of the desired system. In the process of each participant is expected to attend and actively participate. The group includes: sponsor, the facilitator, the user manager and IT staff.
When JAD technique is used to find the requirements, it is known as Joint Requirements Planning. 

C) System analyst:- A system analyst is a person who uses system and design of techniques to solve system or business problem it called systems analysts .
A System analyst analyzes, design and implements system to fulfill organization  needs. It is conduct system study identifiers requirements and determents' the producers to  achieves systems objectives.
It is also knows as change agent, architect, Motivator and monitor.  

D) Flowchart:- It is a factorial and a very structured representation of the algorithm that is called flowchart.


(a) The flowchart should have a logical start and stop.

(b) Standard flowchart symbols should be used for input, output, decision. start, stop operations.

(c) Intersection of flow lines should be avoided to obtain a chart with better clarity.

(d) Connector symbols should be used. in complex flowcharts to reduce the extensive nature of flowcharts.

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