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Web Technology (Elective 1/ BCA) Complete Course in English- Technology369kk


Web technology refers to the collection of tools, protocols, languages, and frameworks that are used to develop and maintain websites and web applications. It encompasses various aspects of web development, including client-side and server-side programming, markup languages, database management, networking protocols, and web servers.

Here are some key components of web technology:
  • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): HTML is the standard markup language used for creating the structure and content of web pages.
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): CSS is a style sheet language that is used for describing the visual presentation of HTML documents. It allows web developers to control the layout, colors, fonts, and other design elements of a web page.
  • JavaScript: JavaScript is a versatile programming language that enables dynamic behavior on web pages. It is commonly used for client-side scripting, allowing interactive features and functionality to be added to websites.
  • Web Browsers: Web browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari, are software applications that retrieve and render web pages. They interpret HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to display websites to users.
  • Web Servers: Web servers are software applications that store and deliver web content to users upon request. They handle client requests, process server-side scripts, and communicate with databases and other resources.
  • Server-side Programming Languages: Languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, and .NET are commonly used for server-side scripting. These languages enable the creation of dynamic web applications by processing requests on the server and generating HTML to be sent back to the client.
  • Databases: Databases are used to store and manage data for web applications. Commonly used databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and SQLite. They allow for efficient data retrieval, storage, and manipulation.
  • Web APIs: Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) provide a way for different software applications to communicate with each other. They allow developers to access and use functionality or data from external services, such as social media platforms, payment gateways, and mapping services.
  • Frameworks and Libraries: There are various web development frameworks and libraries that provide pre-built components, tools, and patterns to simplify and streamline web development. Examples include Angular, React, Vue.js, Django, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel.
These are just some of the fundamental components of web technology. The field is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging to enhance web development and user experiences, So there is just explain in short of Web Technology about Now, We can explain in details about that and with our syllabus follow me for more details about that Course. 

Introduction Of Course:

            In this course we will learn in details of Web-Technology in Hindi and English ,well this is just inro not about all So, Now I'm talk about this course Web- Technology in details this is used our BCA course in 6th Semester. So this is most important Tutorial for all over BCA students don't ignore this course. Well, in this course we are included that i think 5+ chapter in One Units. So, Let's begin start now. 

Course Contents 

Unit No 1 !!!.................................!!!!!!!!!!

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