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Assignment of ITA/ Information Technology and Application

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Agenda :- 4 Questions Discuss in this post.

Q 1.What is computer Explain basic computer architecture and Difference components of computer. 

2. Discuss the use of memory in computer system, Explain memory hierarchy in details.

3. What is software? Explain difference types of software with explain.

4. Write short notes on the given:-

(I) Internet.

(II) LAN (Local area network )

(III) Search engine

(IV) Web browser 

Q 1.What is computer Explain basic computer architecture, Difference components of computer. 

Computer:- Computer is defined as an electronic device that takes input data and instructions from the user and after processing them, it generates useful and desired output quickly. 

 A computer is designed to execute applications and provides a variety of solutions through integrated hardware and software components. 

                          It is fast and automatic device. It works with the help of programs and represents the decimal numbers through a string of binary digits. It also has a memory that stores the data, programs, and result of processing. It is believed that the Analytical Engine was the first computer which was invented by Charles Babbage.

Components of computer system:- 

Computer hardware :- These are physical parts/ intangible parts of a computer. eg Input devices, output devices, central processing unit and storage devices.

Computer software :- CS also known as programs or applications. They are classified into two classes namely - system software and application software.

 Discuss in details of components of computer system

1. Input: It accepts data and instruction through the input devices such as keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc., from the user to process it.

2. CPU:- It may be considered as the brain of any computer system. It is just like brain that takes all major decisions, makes all sorts of calculations and directs different parts of the computer functions by activating and controlling the operations. 

                            The CPU is a complex IC chip having millions of transistors. As mentioned earlier, a CPU has three major identifiable parts: Control Unit (CU), Arithmetic & logic Unit (ALU) and a set of Registers. 

3. Storage : It stores the data and the instructions for future execution.

4. Output: It generates the desired output after executing the instructions and processing the input data.

5. Registers (MU):- It is small, fast and temporary memory built inside computer where data and instructions are stored at the time of execution. CPU has a set of Registers which is used to store some data temporarily. Register lies above Cache and Main memory in memory hierarchy of the system.

2. Discuss the use of memory in computer system, Explain memory hierarchy in details.

Memory:- Memory is the storage area of the computer to place instructions and data it called memory. it is categorized into primary (main memory) and the secondary memory(Permanent memory).

 Memory Hierarchy:- The computer requires different kinds of memory for its proper functioning. Since the fast memories are very expensive, they cannot be used in excess. There is hierarchy of memories considering their speed and cost. The registers are the fastest storage devices; even faster than the cache memory (SRAM), which is faster than the main memory. The primary or memory the secondary memory. The hierarchy of various types of memory is shown in Figure:-

(Figure hierarchy).

The memory can be two categories according two the hierarchy:

1. Primary Memory:- The primary memory is also called as the main memory and is of two kinds:
A. Read Only Memory (ROM) 
B .Random Access Memory (RAM).

A. Read Only Memory (ROM) :- In read only memory (ROM), data is recorded on an integrated circuit by the manufacturer. Once the data has been recorded, it cannot be changed. The content of ROM can be read but it cannot be modified; hence the name is read only memory. It is designed to perform a specific function that is not changed, and generally instructions are required for initializing the devices stored in ROM. For example, ROM is used in most computers to hold the basic input and output system (BIOS) so that the computer's hardware such as hard disks, RAM, I/O ports and peripherals are recognized when the computer is switched on; and then the operating system is loaded.

The ROM is categorized into various types such as.

 B. Random Access Memory:-This is the primary memory from where data and instructions can be retrieved in a random manner using a unique memory address. Hence, the name is random access memory (RAM). It is a volatile memory in which the contents are lost once the power is turned off. This kind of memory is used to store the data temporarily during the computer operations.
The RAM is mainly of two types: static RAM and dynamic RAM.

2. Secondary  memory:- The secondary  memory are the storage devices in which the data can be stored for longer duration, and it is not lost even when the power is turned off. This memory has greater storage capacity than the primary memory. Also, it is inexpensive, but slow.
There are two types of access to stored data in secondary storage devices:
A. Sequential  Access:- The stores device used for sequential access is magnetic tape.
B. Direct Access:- The various stored device used for direct access are grouped. 

3. Cache Memory :- the cache memory is a SRAM placed between the CPU and the main memory and when CPU needs any data or instruction for processing , it first searches the cache memory  If the required data or instruction  is found in the cache memory it is retrieved by the CPU for processing  otherwise, the main memory is searched for the same information .

It is three classified as:
(I)  Instruction cache:- The cache only hold instructions.
(II) Data cache :- The cache only holds data.
(III) Unified cache :- The Cache holds both instructions and data.

There are different levels:-L1, L2 and L3.
If all the three levels of cache are present in the system, then data is fetched in the order: L1>L2>L3>RAM. This means if  data is not present in L1,L2, would be checked followed by L3 and then RAM. 

3. What is software? Explain difference types of software with explain.

Software:- It is logical part of computer ,it is used for collection of data or set of instructions and operator hardware components.

A computer system consists of two parts – hardware and software. 

Hardware :- Computer hardware, refers to all the visible components of the computer system: keyboard, monitor, hard disc, printer, scanner, processing unit, memory, electrical connections, etc.

Software :- It is refer to the all logical components of computer system:- Best example Operating System :- Windows, Linux etc. 


1.System Software :- System software helps run the computer hardware and system. It is designed to control the operations of a computer and coordinate all external devices like communication devices, printers, keyboards, display units, etc. It manages all the computer resources like memory and processor time in optimal and suitable manner.
Types of System software :- OS, Device Drivers, Operating Systems 

2. Programming Software:-  Programming software usually provides tools to assist a programmer in writing computer programs, and software using different programming languages in a more convenient way. 
A. Compilers :- I's translator high level language into low low level language (machine language).  
B. Interpreters :- Interpreter is another translation program. It takes the source code instruction, one at a time, translates and executes it.
C. Linkers :- A linker is a program that takes one or more Object file codes generated by a compiler and combine them into a single executable program.

3. Application Software :- Application software is designed and developed to accomplish one or more specific task or solve a particular problem. Application software may be for commercial or scientific use it is another name Apps.

Types of these apps software following:- 
A. Word processing software :- Ms word.
B. Spreadsheet software :- Ms Excel
C. Desktop software:- Ms word, Adoped page and Page maker. 
D. Database software:- Ms Access
E. Presentation software :- Ms Powerpoint
F. Graphic software:- Ms point, Photoshop etc.

These are all software components using computer system .

4. Write short notes on the given.

I) Internet.

II) LAN (Local area network )

III) Search engine

IV) Web browser 

1. Internet:- The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer systems across the world. It includes several high-bandwidth data lines that comprise the Internet "backbone." These lines are connected to major Internet hubs that distribute data to other locations, such as web servers and ISPs. 

You must have access to an Internet service provider (ISP), which acts the middleman between you and the Internet. Most ISPs  offer  broadband Internet access via a cable, DSL, or fiber connection.

Examples of internet:- Email, Web Page and Browser, Social media, Online gaming etc.

2. LAN (Local area network ):-   Local Area Network is a private owned  computers network connected to each other in a small area such as room ,building and office it called LAN. 

LAN is used for connecting two or more personal computers through a communication medium such as twisted pair, coaxial cable, It is less costly as hubs, network adapters, and ethernet cables.

3. Search engine:- Search engines is a tool allowing the user to type a key word in the browser interface, and search for the related information it is called search engine.

Some of the popular search engines are Google, Alta Vista, Lycos. The Google search engine allows search in regional languages such as Hindi, Tamil, Marathi etc.

4.Web Browser :- Web browser is a computer program that enables the user to access the web pages, retrieve, display and send required information across the Internet it called web browser. It is useful because it acts as an interface between the user and the server by taking requests from the user and sending them to the server. There are two types of web browsers, text browsers and graphical browser

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Abhishek raj said...

मान लिया गुरू

Unknown said...

Thank u bro

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