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Chapter 3 XML(eXtensible Markup Language) Introduction - Technology369kk


XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It is designed to be platform-independent and widely supported across different systems and applications.

XML uses tags to define elements and structures within a document. Each element is enclosed within angle brackets (`<` and `>`), and elements can have attributes represented as name-value pairs within the opening tag. The content of an element can include text, other elements, or a combination of both.

XML was designed to store and transport data. It is a textual data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. 

Table of Content : 

XML Introduction: 

  • (XML) eXtensible Markup Language means that we can create your own tags.
  • It is used to store and transport data. 
  • Self description.
  • Used to carry data(Not used to display).
  • Self Defined tags.
  • Platform and language independent.
  • Helps in easy communication b/w two platforms with databases.

Features and Advantage: 

  • Separates data into html from. 
  • Simplifies data sharing
  • Simplifies data transport 
  • Increase data availability
  • Simplifies platform change.

    XML Example and Structure :

    Example of XML:

    <!-- // Declaration -->
    <? XML version ="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>  

    <!-- //Root Element or Parent Class -->
    <!-- child class of collage -->
        <name>Shailesh </name>
        <roll>82025 </roll>


    • In this example, the XML document represents a simple bookstore. The root element is `<college>`, and it contains two `<title>` and `<class>` elements as its child elements. Each `<name>` `<roll>` element has attributes (`category`), and it contains name and roll number  elements representing the college attributes in a xml file respectively.

    Structure of XML: 

    • Hierarchical Structure: XML documents are organized in a hierarchical structure, with nested elements representing parent-child relationships.
    • Customizable Tags: XML allows the definition of custom tags and elements that are meaningful in the context of the specific application or domain.
    • Self-Descriptive: XML documents are self-descriptive, meaning that they contain both the data and the metadata necessary to interpret and process the data.
    • Extensibility: XML is designed to be extensible, allowing users to define their own elements and document structures to suit their specific needs.
    • Data Interchange: XML is commonly used for data interchange between different systems and platforms, as it provides a standardized format that can be understood by multiple applications.
    • Wide Industry Adoption: XML has gained widespread adoption in various domains, including web services, data storage, configuration files, document formats (such as RSS and XHTML), and more.
    XML documents can be processed and manipulated using programming languages, such as Java, Python, or .NET, and there are many XML-related technologies and tools available for parsing, validation, transformation, and querying XML data.

    Diffrent Between HTML and XML:

    HTML :

    • Display data (Look and Feel) 
    • Markup Lang it self
    • Not case-senstive
    • Predefined tags
    • Static
    • Example of HTML

    <!DOCTYPE html>
       <title>Document Title</title>
      <h1>This is Heading</h1>
      <p>This is Paragaraph </p>
      <b>This is bold Tags</b>
      <i>This is itile tags</i>

    HTML :

    • Transport and store the data.
    • Provide framework to define markup language.
    • Case-senstive
    • Can create own tags
    • Dynamic
    • Example of HTML:
    <!-- // Declaration -->
    <? XML version ="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>  


    I hope this is Helpful For You... Learn more:  

    Next Chapter : 

    1. XML Name-Space
    1. Documnet Type Defintions (DTD):
    1. XML Schema:

    1. Displaying XML Documents:
    1. XML and CSS.:

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