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Chapter 02 XML - Name Spaces (eXtensible Markup Language ) -Technology369kk


XML namespaces are used for providing uniquely named elements and attributes in an XML document. They are defined in a W3C recommendation. An XML instance may contain element or attribute names from more than one XML vocabulary. A namespace name is a uniform resource identifier (URI). Typically, the URI chosen for the namespace of a given XML vocabulary describes a resource under the control of the author or organization defining the vocabulary, such as a URL for the author’s in the Web server. 

Table Of Content :

  • XML NameSpace Introduction:
  • XML NameSpace Advantages:
  • XML NameSpace Disadvantages:
  • XML NameSpace Example:

XML NameSpace Introduction:

  • It is used to avoid element name conflict in XML document.
  • It is a set of unquie names.
  • Identified by URI (Uniform Resource Identified) 
  • Attributes names must start form with "xmlns", 
  • Syntax:

  • Conflict: Genrally conflict occures when we try yo mix XML documents from diffrence XML applications.
  • Example of Conflict:
    • XML1

    • <class>

    • XML2

    • <class>

  • So, In this case same name parent and child then create a conflict occuress due to same..

 XML NameSpace Advantages: 

There  are some advantages of XML Namespaces:
  • It avoids duplicate element names and attributes defined in an XML document where the XML element defined in one organization product may conflict with the other.
  • With namespace elements and attributes can be reused in other documents or schema without any error.
  • It enhances readability and the declaration of them is placed anywhere within an XML document.

XML NameSpace DisAdvantages: 

Here are some disadvantages of XML Namespaces:
  • XML documents are less readable when compared to other text-based data transmission formats.
  • XML namespaces are difficult to use and cannot be correctly implemented in an XML parser.

XML NameSpace Example:

<? xml version ="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<c1:class xmlns:c1="#class1//url.......">
  <c1: name> Shailesh<c1: name>
</c1: class>

<c2: class xmlns:c2="#url Class....">

  So : No There will be no conflict due to namespace

So. I hope this is helpful for YOu . Thanks For Comming Back. 

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