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What is Computer Programming Language/Algorithm/Flowchart and Pseudo Code

Fundamental of Computer

In this post we will learn computer fundamental and programing language and algorithm, etc.

Computer Definition:

  • Computer is defined as an electronic machine that is executed input data and processing from the user then at last generates useful and desired output quickly and very fast.
  • The basic Operations of Computer are input, process and output with control, storage. 
  • Computer Consists of CPU, input unit, Output unit, Memory Unit. (I/O Unit)

If you have details learn computer basics information refer to the Chapter No 1. 

Information Technology.

Computer Programming Language

  • Program is defined as the set of instructions written in a proper syntax and in a certain order to the perform some specific task.

What is Syntax

  • It is a code of word excited rule of Program then say at last it is a format of Program.

What is Program: 

  • Program is a set of instruction written in a proper syntax and in a certain order to perform some specific tasks

What is Coding :

  • The definition of the coding is the process of creating instruction for completed using programming language. 
  • Actually computer code is used to program the websites, apps, and other technologies we interact with every day.
  • Browsers OS, Apps and Websites, creates a code.

Generations of Programming Languages:

    Five categories are generation of programming language :-

  • 1st generation languages (machine language),
  • 2nd generation languages (assembly language), 
  • 3rd generation languages (high-level language),
  • 4th generation languages (4GLs) and 
  • 5th generation languages (very high level language).


There are three types explain learn in details:- 

1.Algorithm 2. Flowchart 3. Pseudo Code 

1. Algorithm:-

  •  It defined as a sequence of instructions in English like language used to solve a computational problem.

Guidelines :- 

a). Precise and unambiguous instructions.

b). Steps in sequence. 

c). English like language.

d). Steps should not repeat infinitely and the algorithm should terminate to the desired result.

e). General enough to deal with any kind of contingency.


A). Explicit instructions in a form understandable by any person, or without Programming knowledge can understand.

B). Basic instructions which can be expressed in various forms such as flowchart and pseudo codes.


A). Algorithms cannot be as such used by Programmers,. They need to be made more effective by converting then into flowchart and pseudo codes.

2. Flowchart :-

 It is a factorial and a very structured representation of the algorithm that is called flowchart.


(a) The flowchart should have a logical start and stop.

(b) Standard flowchart symbols should be used for input, output, decision. start, stop operations.

(c) Intersection of flow lines should be avoided to obtain a chart with better clarity.

(d) Connector symbols should be used. in complex flowcharts to reduce the extensive nature of flowcharts.


(a) Graphical representations: of the code, they are better in communicating the logic of the statements, and easier to convert into a programming code.

(b) Symbols and arrows are helpful in reducing the amount of errors, as well as detecting the exact position where errors can take place.


(a) For complex problems, the flow- charts need to be very extensive and it is cumbersome to design such extensive flowcharts.

(b) Any update or modification in the statements would result in complete re-designing of the flowchart.

3. Pseudo Code:-

  • It is a sequence of instructions to solve a computational problem expressed in a code which is written in the form of English-like statements resembling the programming language.


(a) One statement per line.

(b) English-like language.

(c) Capitalise initial keywords 

d) Steps in sequence.

(e) Indent to show loop/structure () End structure and then the pseudo code.


(a) It is language independent, can be used by programmers of diverse backgrounds.

(b) Since it is logic-driven and no set style elements or symbols are used to express instructions, it can be updated or modified whenever the need arises.

(c) It is not cumbersome to design pseudo codes for complex problems unlike in the case of flowcharts.

(d) Since the keywords used in pseudo code are in line with the basic computer operations, it is easy to translate them into programming languages.


(a) It does not provide the visual representation of the solution that aids easy comprehension.

(b) Since it cannot be compiled or executed, the final code needs to be structured based on syntax rules of the programming language selected.

I hope this post is helpful for you, Thanks for watching.


Unknown said...

this video is very nice bro

Unknown said...


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