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Module , comment, pip full learn in python.

Chapter 1: Modules, Comments & Pip

Let’s write our very first python program.

Create a file called and paste the below code in it

print(“Hello World”)         => print is a function (more later)

Execute this file (.py file) by typing python and you will see Hello World printed on the screen.


A module is a file containing code written by somebody else (usually) which can be imported and used in our programs.


Pip is a package manager for python. You can use pip to install a module on your system.

E.g. pip install flask (It will install flask module in your system)

Types of modules

There are two types of modules in Python:

  1. Built-in modules – Pre-installed in Python
  2. External modules – Need to install using pip

Some examples of built-in modules are os, abc, etc.

Some examples of external modules are TensorFlow, flask, etc.

Using Python as a Calculator

We can use python as a calculator by typing “python” + TO DO on the terminal. [It opens REPL or read evaluation print loop]


Comments are used to write something which the programmer does not want to execute.

Comments can be used to mark author name, date, etc.

Types of Comments:

There are two types of comments in python,

  1. Single line comments – Written using # (pound/hash symbol)
  2. Multi-line comments – Written using ‘’’ Comment ‘’’ or “”” Comment “””.

Chapter 1 – Practice Set

  1. Write a program to print Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star poem in python.
  2. Use REPL and print the table of 5 using it.
  3. Install an external module and use it to perform an operation of your interest.
  4. Write a python program to print the contents of a directory using os module. Search online for the function which does that.
  5. Label the program written in problem 4 with comments.
The end

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