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What is python full details in Hindi and English

Python is simple and easy to understand language which feels like reading simple English. 
Python:- python is a computer programming languages.
It is a High level programming languages and versatile language.

                                     There are two types of languages in third generation as POP and OOP. 
POP (Procedure Oriented Programming): The main unit of this type of language is Function or Procedure. E.g. C, COBOL, PASCAL, BASIC etc. 
OOP (Object Oriented Programming): The main unit of this type of language is Class. The class further generates Objects. E.g. C++, Java, Visual Basic, PHP, JSP, Python etc.
  So python is a  Object Oriented programming Language. However Python still follows and allows POP style programming. 
The Python is designed to solve and develop software of for almost all kind of applications such as , Web development, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Research, Database Programming, GUI Programming, Robotics etc, so it is called as Versatile Language.
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2. Why Python?
a. Because Python is Versatile language so we have a broad choice of application to develop.
b. It is designed as very simple, small yet powerfull language so can be used in very less hardware and software environment. 
c. It is platform independent means itcan run on any OS such as Windows, Linux, MAC OS, Android etc.
d. It has large collection readymade library(stored codes) so it can perform various tasks by itself.
e. It is Open source and free software so we don't have to pay anything for using this.
          Who was created by python
Python was created by Guido van Rossum,since (1980-1991) 
Python was released date in 30 Jan 1994 ,
This day all people know this language and use start this time.

Some great people Guido van Rossum History (Guido van Rossum   is one of the world's most influential programmers. Van Rossum the author of the general-purpose programming language Python, which he started working on in 1989, and is now among the most popular languages in use)

          Python Advantage and Disadvantage:---
 Advantage of Python:-
· we don't need to write more codes rather than orther programming language.
· wide range of labirary.
· portable can used in any oprating system.
·  very light weight means run on less ram too.
· Most important is Open source and we all know the meaning of open source is everything is free.
· easily readable.
· easily learn.
 Disadvantage of Python:
  • · Slow in speed than C,C++,Beause it is an interpreter language show it don't show mistakes before compaling.
  • · Run time errors are so common in Python.
  • · It is Dynamically Typed.
  • · Less Database Access than JDBA

  Python Generation remember shortcut tricks se:--

There are five generations of programming languages:
                1st: Binary Language, in 0 and 1
                2nd : Assembly Language, mnemonics used(English words), translator (assembler is used)
                3rd : High Level Language, two groups, POP(procedure oriented programming), OOP (object  oriented programming)
                POP: C, COBOL, PASCAL, FORTRAN, BASIC etc.
                OOP: C++, Java, Ada, SmallTalk Visual Basic, etc.
                4th : Structured Query Language (SQL), Used for database handling
                5th : Natural language, human language,
Python keyboards

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By Shailesh 
Do you know :---python ko Hindi me Kiya Kahta hai:::
(Ajagar.  अजगर)

Q1. What is Python?
A. Python is a high level programming language. Python supports both POP and OOP style of programming, it means we can write code in form of "c" language style where the main component is function and "c++" or "java" language style where the main component is class.
So Pyhton is designed as a versatile language where all styles of programming can be used.
Python is mostly used in the field of Machine Control, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Handling and Scientific Area such Weather Control, Atomic Reaserch, Space Research etc.

Q2. What are the main advantages of Python programming language. 
A. There are following advantages of Python programming language over other languages
a. Python is versatile language so all types of programmers can use it.
b. It is designed as normal English language and the syntax is quite easy so that a novice user even school going students can learn it easily.
c. It is designed to run on any operating system means there is no plateform dependency. It can run on Windows, Linux, Mac, Raspberry Pi etc. 
d. There is no hardware restriction means CPU and its architecture so it can run on any processor including the ARM(Small devices) processors also. Due to which it can be used in robotics like dron, remote enabled cars, small wireless devices and home appliances.
e. It is desgned as light weight programming language so there is no need to declare variable using datatypes. The datatype can be used further to type cast the data.
f. Python is open source language so it has a rich library and api so all types of programming can be done where it is internet programming, database handling, image processing, device control etc. 

Guide Van Rossum was creating python language in 1980(Haarlem, Netherlands USA) this language realised date in 1991.Guide van Rossum creating work ABC a major influence on the designing system company of the language python developed by Guido Van Rossum
Why is called python (अजगर)
Because Guide Van Rossum like a comedy (Monty Python Flying Cirus ) a BBC COMEDY series from 1970. Van Rossum thought the unique and short slightly mysterious name, So he decided to call the language PYTHON.
                 Why Python?
Because Python is Versatile language so we have a all most area uses of application developing, website, scientist NASA -ISRO so it is called a versatile and Interpreted language.
                     It is designed as very simple language so can be used in very less hardware and software environment.
Python platform independent means it can run on any OS such as Windows, Linux, MAC OS, Android etc. It is Open source and free software so we don't have to pay anything for using this language.

Use Of python area application:--

PYTHON is a versatile language so it is all most area of uses Website Design, machine learning, Artificial intelligence,Scitific resources, Database, programming, GUI graphical User Interface,server side system NASA,and Hacking Used.
HACKER for a favourite language Because this a Interpreted language easy and any Browser (TOR , ONIONS) run .
So hacker is like python  language.

many area of popular of python :- 
  • web development (server-side),
  • software development,
  • mathematics,
  • system software.

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