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What is Interview Top Tricks For Freshers- Technology369kk


Interview: An Interview is a process coversation where one participant asks questions and other participant provide answers in a formal ways. so interview is a one to one/more coversation process between interviewer and interviewee.  where interviwer asks questions and interviewee/condidates provided answers of questions, learn more.....

Table of Content:  

What is Interview:

  • An interview is a formal conversation between two or more individuals, typically conducted to assess the suitability of a candidate for a job or to gather information on a particular topic. It is a common method used by employers to evaluate applicants' skills, qualifications, experience, and overall fit for a specific position.
  • During an interview, the interviewer asks questions, and the interviewee provides responses based on their knowledge, experience, and opinions. The questions can range from general inquiries about the candidate's background to specific scenarios or technical challenges related to the job they are applying for.
  • Interviews can take various formats, such as in-person meetings, phone calls, or video conferences, depending on the circumstances and preferences of the participants. The purpose of an interview is to allow the interviewer to learn more about the interviewee, assess their capabilities, and determine whether they are the right fit for the role or organization.
  • Both parties benefit from the interview process. The interviewer gains insight into the candidate's qualifications, skills, and personality, while the interviewee has an opportunity to showcase their abilities, learn more about the job and the company, and determine if it aligns with their career goals and aspirations.

Overall, interviews play a crucial role in the selection process and are an essential step in hiring employees or gathering information through a structured conversation.

Why is Importants Interview:

  • Interviews are important because they offer a chance for the recruiter and the hiring manager to meet the candidate and assess their qualifications and capabilities1. It is the first face-to-face between the recruiter(HR)  and the candidate
  • Interviews are also a chance for the employer to see if the candidate is the right person for the job, and for the candidate to make sure the job and company are the right fit for this role then selected the candidates so, this is important major to organizing the interview process. 
There are some another resons for importants :

  • Candidate Assessment: Interviews allow employers to evaluate candidates beyond what is presented on their resumes or application materials. They provide an opportunity to assess a candidate's communication skills, problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and overall fit for the position.
  • Gathering Additional Information: Interviews provide a platform for employers to gather more information about a candidate's qualifications, experiences, and achievements. Employers can delve deeper into the candidate's background, ask specific questions relevant to the role, and gain a better understanding of their capabilities.
  • Personality and Cultural Fit: Cultural fit is crucial for ensuring that the candidate's values, work style, and behavior align with the company's values and existing team dynamics. Interviews provide an opportunity to gauge whether a candidate will be a good fit for the company's culture and work environment.
  • Two-Way Assessment: Interviews benefit both the employer and the candidate. While the employer assesses the candidate's suitability for the job, the candidate also gets a chance to evaluate the company, the role, and the work environment. It allows candidates to ask questions, gain insights into the company's values and expectations, and make an informed decision about whether they want to pursue the opportunity.
  • Building Rapport: Interviews provide an opportunity to establish a personal connection and build rapport between the employer and the candidate. Building a positive relationship from the start can contribute to a more effective working relationship if the candidate is hired.
Overall, interviews serve as a critical tool for employers to evaluate candidates, gather information, assess cultural fit, and make informed hiring decisions. They provide a platform for candidates to showcase their skills and qualifications and determine if the company and role align with their career goals.

Types of Interview:

There are some popular types of interview commanly used in hiring process: 
  • Traditional/Structured Interview: This is the most common type of interview where the interviewer asks predetermined questions in a structured format. The questions are usually job-related and focus on the candidate's qualifications, skills, experience, and behavior. The goal is to assess the candidate's fit for the role based on their responses.
  • Behavioral Interview: In a behavioral interview, the interviewer asks questions about past experiences and behaviors to gauge how the candidate may perform in specific situations. The candidate is asked to provide examples of how they handled certain challenges or achieved specific outcomes in previous roles. This type of interview helps assess the candidate's problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and their alignment with the organization's values.
  • Technical Interview: Technical interviews are commonly used for positions that require specific technical skills, such as programming, engineering, or data analysis. In these interviews, candidates are assessed on their technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and their ability to apply their skills to real-world scenarios. Technical interviews may involve coding exercises, case studies, or technical discussions.
  • Panel Interview: An interview where several people ask you questions. In another word A panel interview involves multiple interviewers conducting the interview simultaneously. Panel interviews are often used for managerial positions or when multiple perspectives are needed to assess a candidate thoroughly. It can be an intimidating setting for candidates, but it allows for a comprehensive evaluation from different viewpoints. Example UPSC
  • Phone/Video Interview: Phone or video interviews are conducted remotely, usually in the initial stages of the hiring process. They are used to screen candidates before inviting them for in-person interviews. Phone or video interviews are convenient for both employers and candidates, especially when there are geographical constraints.
  • Group Interview: In a group interview, several candidates are interviewed together. The purpose is to observe how candidates interact, collaborate, and communicate with others. Group interviews are often used to assess teamwork, leadership skills, and the ability to handle group dynamics. Candidates may be given group tasks or discussions to evaluate their performance in a team setting.
  • Case Interview: Case interviews are common in consulting, management, and strategy roles. Candidates are presented with a hypothetical business scenario or problem and are asked to analyze the situation, provide recommendations, and demonstrate their problem-solving and analytical skills. Case interviews assess a candidate's ability to think critically, structure their thoughts, and apply strategic thinking.

These are different types of interviews used in the hiring process. Employers may use a combination of these interview types or modify them to suit their specific needs and requirements.

What to Do Before Interview: 

Before an interview, it's important to take several steps to prepare yourself and increase your chances of success. Here are some key things to do before an interview:
  • Research the Company: Find information about the company you're interviewing with. Visit their website, read about their mission, values, products/services, and recent news or updates. Understanding the company's background and culture will help you for the procpective job. 
  • Review the Job Description: Carefully read the job description and make note of the key responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. Analyze how your own experiences and skills align with the requirements, so you can effectively communicate your fit for the role during the interview.
  • Prepare Common Interview Questions: Common interview questions prepare thoughtful responses in advance. Practice answering questions about your self, background knowlwdge, strengths, weaknesses, previous experiences, and how you've handled specific situations. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses and provide specific examples. 
  • For Better Understanding Visit Chapter-2..
  • Prepare Questions to Ask: Prepare a list of insightful questions to ask the interviewer. This demonstrates your interest in the role and helps you gather important information to make an informed decision. Avoid asking questions about salary or benefits in the initial stages unless the interviewer brings up the topic.
  • Dress Professionally: Choose appropriate attire that aligns with the company's dress code. Aim to dress slightly more formal than the company's everyday attire. Pay attention to personal grooming and ensure you look polished and presentable.
  • Practice Non-Verbal Communication: Pay attention to your non-verbal communication, such as your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Practice maintaining good posture, making eye contact, and speaking clearly and confidently. Non-verbal cues can significantly impact the impression you make during the interview.
  • Prepare Required Documents: Organize and bring any documents or materials that may be required, such as copies of your resume, reference letters, portfolio samples, or certifications. Place them in a neat folder or portfolio for easy access during the interview if in case have possible show LIKEDIN Accounts and GIT-HUB.
  • Plan Your Logistics: Determine the location and time of the interview and plan your logistics accordingly. Be aware of traffic or transportation issues that may affect your arrival time. Aim to arrive a few minutes early to allow for any unexpected delays within interview arrive 30minutes before for good habittes.
  • Research the Interviewers (if known): If you know the names of the interviewers in advance, look them up on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. Familiarize yourself with their backgrounds and roles within the company. This knowledge can help you establish a connection and engage in meaningful conversations during the interview.
  • Practice and Mock Interviews: Consider practicing with a friend or family member by conducting mock interviews. This will help you gain confidence, refine your responses, and receive feedback on areas that may need improvement.
By following these steps, you can enter the interview well-prepared and ready to present yourself as a qualified and enthusiastic candidate. Remember to stay positive, be yourself, and showcase your skills and experiences effectively.

What to don't Do Before Interview: 

There are several things you should do before an interview, Here are some things to avoid before an interview:

  • Don't Neglect Research: Avoid skipping the research phase. Failing to find information about the company, its industry, and the role you're applying for can give the impression that you're not genuinely interested or prepared.
  • Don't Procrastinate: Avoid leaving/just interview preparation until the last minute. Give yourself enough time to research, practice responses, and gather necessary documents. Procrastination can lead to increased stress and may negatively impact your performance.
  • Don't Be Unprofessional on Social Media: Ensure that your social media profiles present a professional image. Review your privacy settings and be mindful of the content you share publicly. Employers often check social media profiles to gain insights into candidates, so inappropriate or unprofessional content can harm your chances.
  • Don't Overlook Dress Code: Dress appropriately for the interview. Avoid dressing too casually, even if you know the company has a relaxed dress code. It's better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. Dressing inappropriately can create a negative first impression.
For Women's
For Men's
  • Don't Be Late: Punctuality is crucial. Plan your route in advance and aim to arrive a few minutes early. Being late can create a negative impression and start the interview on a stressful note.
  • Don't Be Disorganized: Ensure that you have all the necessary documents, such as copies of your resume, references, or portfolio, well-organized and easily accessible. Being disorganized can make you appear unprepared and can lead to unnecessary stress during the interview.
  • Don't Speak Negatively About Previous Employers or Experiences: Avoid speaking negatively about previous employers, colleagues, or experiences. Stay positive and focus on what you've learned and achieved. 
  • Don't Overwhelm Yourself with Caffeine: While it's normal to feel nervous before an interview, try to avoid consuming excessive amounts of caffeine. It can increase anxiety and make it harder to stay calm and focused.
  • Don't Forget to Silence or Turn Off Your Phone: Ensure that your phone is on silent or turned off during the interview. Distractions from phone calls, messages, or notifications can disrupt the flow of the interview and show a lack of professionalism.
  • Don't Forget to Follow Up: After the interview, don't forget to send a thank-you note or email to the interviewer(s). Express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position. This small gesture can leave a positive impression.

By being aware of these "don'ts," you can avoid common mistakes that could hinder your chances of success in the interview process. Remember to approach the interview with professionalism, preparedness, and a positive mindset. 


So In this post we are learn about major intervietw , what , why and what to do, and don't do. So this is simple and attractive question  post for all condidates. I hope this is helpful for you. Follow me for more post . 

Chapter -2 : Top Basic Question Ask 

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