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Chapter 9 What is SRS and main aim Explain in Details




Introduction :- Hi everyone in this chapter learn details, What is SRS (System Analysis and Design) and why is an important and where is use. Lets go start now.

SRS :- SRS (SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFITIONS) is a documents type it collect information between system analyst and customers.

Another word :- A SRS is details description of a software system to be developments  with its functional and non – functional requirements. SRS document contains all logical details, like that how the software will look like which language will be used, database design, modular design etc. Well SRS is type of formal report, it is a representation of the software work. A good SRS define the how system software will interact with all interval modules hardware communication, with others program etc. SRS allows the customers to reviews whether all  theirs requirements are fulfilled by the software or not.


SRS serves two main purpose :-

a.)     It is used to defines the need and expectations of the users.

b.)    It servers as a contract documents between customers and company.

There are some methods

1.)    Correctness :- SRS is said to be correct, if it covers all the requirements that are actually from the system.

2.)    Completeness :- It means  SRS if it include all essential requirements of the users and a details representations of every module to be developed by the user.

3.)    Consistency :- SRS is consistency if it has no confect between any sets of requirements.

4.)    Unambiguousness:- Sometimes in SRS, Some words have more then one meaning and this might confuse developers in getting the exact references. It is available to check for such ambiguous words and make the meaning clear for better understanding.

5.)    Ranking for importance and stability :- Normally, all requirements are not equally important , some may be essential and some may not. There should a certain to classify the requirements as less or more important. An identifier marks can be used with every requirement to indicate its ranks or stability.

6.)    Modifiability :- SRS should be made as modifiable as possible and should be capable of easily accepting changes to the systems to some extent.

7.)    Design Independence :- There should be an options to choose from multiple design alternatives for the final systems.

8.)    Understandable by customers :- In this case the language used in SRS documents should be kept easy to understandable by customers. That is all point is important in SRS create documents file in systems or organization. 


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