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Chapter 7 What is Constant and How to get User Input in java Explain in Details

 Constant and User Input 

What is Constant in Java ?

  • An element of program whose value can not be changed ( Static type) at the time of execution of program is called constant.
  • It is also called literals.
  • It may be int,float and character data type.

Note:- Guys Next Chapter discuss on Data Types Topics in Easy Way- Chapter 8

Rules for Constructing Integer Constant 

  • It must have atleast one digit.
  • It must not have a decimal point.
  • It may be positive or negative.
  • No comma or blank space are allowed in integer constant.

Rules for Constructing Floating Point Constant 

  • It must have atleast one digit.
  • It must have a decimal point.
  • It may be positive or negative.
  • No comma or blank space are allowed in floating point constant.

Rules for constructing Character constant

  • It is a single alphabet,digit or special symbol.
  • The length of character constant is 1 character.
  • Character constant is enclosed within single quotes (Example char c='A';).

User input in Java 

1. Import Scanner in java:

  • 1.Scanner is a predefined class which is used to take user input in java.
  • 2.Scanner class is defined inside java.util package.
  • 3.Scanner class consists of many function to take user input which is given below.

Some Important Point: 

  • nextInt():Used to read integer value from the user.
  • nextFloat():Used to read float value from the user.
  • nextDouble():Used to read double value from the user.
  • next():Used to read string value without space from the user.
  • nextLine():Used to read string value from the user.
  • nextByte():Used to read byte value from the user.
  • nextShort():Used to read short value from the user.
  • nextLong():Used to read long value from the user.

Example 1 : User Input in Java

  • import java.util.Scanner; // Import the pakage for java

//Q1 Print Student Details
import java.util.Scanner;
class Stud{  
  public static void main(String[] args) {  
    String name;
    int rollno;
    float marks;
    //instance of class Scanner
    Scanner obj= new Scanner(;  
// // Get the value by user
    System.out.println("Enter your name");
    name = obj.nextLine();  //taking string input

    System.out.println("Enter your rollno");
    rollno = obj.nextInt();//taking integer input

    System.out.println("Enter your marks");
    marks = obj.nextFloat();//taking float input

//printing the output
    System.out.println("Name=" + name);
    System.out.println("Rollno=" + rollno);
    System.out.println("Marks=" + marks);

### OUETPUT###

    Enter your name
    Annu Priya
    Enter your rollno
    Enter your marks
    Your Name=Annu Priya
    Your Roll Number=82006
    Your Marks=475.0

Q2. Addition two Number :  

import java.util.Scanner; //import the java pakage
class Addd{  
  public static void main(String[] args) {  
// Add of Two Number
Scanner sc= new Scanner(;  

        System.out.println("Enter 1st Number:- ");
        int a= sc.nextInt();
        System.out.println("Enter 2nd Number:- ");
        int b= sc.nextInt();
        int c= a+b;
        System.out.println("Total Value: " +c);


### OUETPUT###

    Enter 1st Number:-
    Enter 2nd Number:-
    Total Value: 110

2.Import ReaderStream in java

  • 1.BufferedReader is a predefined class which is used to take user input in java.
  • 2.It is defined inside the package.
  • //importing the package

  • import *; // use only 
  • or 
  • import;
  • import;

//importing the package
import*; // you can use only for
class Easy
 public static void main(String[] args)
  //creating the instance of class BufferedReader
 BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader
  String name;
   try {
  System.out.println("Enter your name");
  name=reader.readLine();//taking string input
    } catch (Exception e) {
} //I think this very difficult face so ignore this step

### Output ###

Enter your name :Shailesh
Name: Shailesh

3.Use Command Prompt in java:

If you want using command prompt get value by user then use cmd application :
Let's See Some Example for this: 

Example 3.1: Concatenation of value 

What is  concatenation in Java?
Concatenation in the Java programming language is the operation of joining two strings together. You can join strings using either the addition (+) operator or the String's concat() method.

class Cmd{
    public static void main(String as[]){


        System.out.println(as[1]+ as[0]);

### Output ###

PS F:\Learning File\BCA\BCA 3rd Sem\JAVA OOP\javaclass> java Cmd
5Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
        at Cmd.main(

  • How to solve Index 1 out of bounds.............. problem:
  • Note : Which time run program using java-file name  '' java Cmd''
  • But Note Show your current value then time used 
  • java-file name and value according to your arrays index
  • for example :-    

    java Cmd 5 8      
    5885 // Current Output

  • So follow this step solve your index bounds problem.
  • Your current value show concatenation type. 

Guys if you want solve Concatenation problem, how to get my exact value then using Wrapper class :

Example 3.2: Using Wrapper class solve concat() problem.

// Program : Addition of Two value
class Cmd1{
    public static void main(String ar[]){
        System.out.print( Integer. parseInt(ar[0]) + Integer. parseInt(ar[1]));   //find one line


### Output ###

java Cmd1 5 8    

Example 3.3 : Using Wrapper but JavaScript Type

class Cmd2{
    public static void main(String ar[]){
        int a= Integer. parseInt(ar[0]);
        int b= Integer. parseInt(ar[1]);
        int c= a+b; // Find JavaScript Methods
        System.out.println("Addition = "+c);

### Output ###

 java Cmd2 4 9    
Addition = 13

I Hope your doubt has been clear in this page so Don't  forget follow me.

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