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Chapter 5 What is SDLC and Why is Important learn in details

                                                                        CHAPTER -5


(Software Developments and life Cycle)

Introduction :- Hi everyone in this chapter learn in details, What is SDLC and why is an important and where is use. Lets go start now.

SDLC :- SDLC is a collection of process which are followed to develop a software, It is methodology that define some process which are followed to develop a high quality software.

Ex:- Requirements Analysis, Feasibility Study, Design, Coding, Testing, Departments and Maintenance
It covers the detailed plan for building developing and maintain the software.

The main of SDLC is to define all the tasks required for developing and maintain software.
It is followed for a software project within a software developing organization.

1.)    Requirements Analysis :- It is the 1st step or phase of SDLC in which all the necessary information is collected from the customer to developments to the software as per their customer expectation.
Some important question like , what is the need of software, who will be the end-user what is the future scope of that software etc, are discussed.
This step is clear picture of what we are going to build.
The main of this phase is to collect the details of each requirement of the customer so, that the developers will clearly understand what they are developing and now to fulfil the customers requirements.
2.)    Feasibility Study :- It is the 2nd phase of SDLC in which an organization discuss about the cost and benefit of the software developer. It is an important phase because profit from the software plays an important role as if cost is very high then company may be face loss.
3.)    Design :- It is the 3rd phase is which architecture start working an logical designing of the software. In this phase a SRS (System Requirements Specification) is a documents crated domain contain, it’s all logical details like how the software will look like, which language will be used data base, design, modular, design etc. This phase provides a prototype of the final products, basically all it include is design of everything which has to be coded.
4.)    Coding  :- When the design is the of the completed, then a group of developers start coding of design using a programming.
The interface of the software and all its internal working according to the design methods is implements in coding phase. A number of developers code the modules and then all modules are arranged together to works efficiently. It is the longest phase of SDLC, because some advance time in coding phase.
5.)    Testing :- Once the software developments is completed, then it is sent the testers, The testing teams starts testing the functionality of the entire systems. In this software is checked for bugs and errors. Whenever a bug is found, then the software is recent to the coders to fix and then overall software is re-tested. This is done to verify that the entire applications works according to the customers requirements.
6.)    Developments :-  After overall testing of the software and after checking that is a bug free, then the software is launched and available for the users to use it. Even after developments of the software if  any bugs or errors, are still found then the software is re – evaluated by the  maintenance team and then it is re-deployed with a new version.
7.)    Maintenance :-  The maintenance team look over the software usage and users by  feedbacks. Maintenance is necessary to ultimate errors in the systems during its working life and to the software. The bugs fixing, upgrade and enhancements of the software is checked over by the maintenance team.

So, We can say that at last all methods of SDLC is important for software developments.

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