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Chapter -18 What is Inner Class(Nested Class) in Java


Inner/ Nested Class in Java

Introduction of java Inner Class: 

  • Java inner class or nested class is a class that is declared inside the class or interface.
  • Next Unit Discuss details in class and interface with opp all topics. 
  • When a class is used inside the body of the another class then is used inside the body of another class then this concept is called inner class concept.
  • Just like nested-if and nested-loop one class inside another class is called nested class. 
  • Inner class represent a particular type of relationship that is access all members of data-members and members functions of the outer class.  
  • Inner class provide write less code. 
  • It is also called nesting of class. 


Example : 

  • For better understanding of inner class see the below example

//  Example 1: Find add program using inner class.

class OuterAdd{         //Create OuterClass
    public void outadd(){       // create outer methods
        int a=10, b=20, c;
        System.out.println("Addition of Outer Class Value: "+c);
    class InnerAdd{     //create InnerClass
        public void inadd(){        // create inner methods
            int x=5, y=8, z;
            System.out.println("Addition of Inner Class Value: "+z);


class Inner{    // Create main function
    public static void main(String args[]){
       OuterAdd obj=new OuterAdd();
        OuterAdd.InnerAdd obj1= InnerAdd();


  • In this example explanation  just focus on creating the instance(object) of InnerAdd class you got something new. 
  • The Object of InnerAdd is creating with the reference of OuterAdd because InnerAdd exists inside of OuterAdd.

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