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Technical Support Interview Questions and Answers - Technology369kk

Technical Support is the most expensive and popular job in corporate life. In this post, we are discussing details of that passion, so let's get started now. First, I'm sharing my experience in the technical field with you. No, get started.  Technical Support and Regular Questions  Tell me About Yourself.? Ans: - "I am a highly committed, knowledgeable, and confident technical support specialist with the skills, qualities, and experience required to excel in this role, and my strong problem-solving abilities, excellent communication, and interpersonal skills, along with my keen attention to detail, enable me to deliver outstanding results.  I am adept at prioritizing large workloads, collaborating effectively as part of a team, and maintaining a strong customer-focused approach. This ensures I consistently provide timely and knowledgeable support, helping clients meet their objectives efficiently. If allowed to join your team, I will quickly adapt to the role, contribute ...
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Most important java programs for Interview Q&A - Technology369kk

Introduction About Post  Here's an introduction, a list of some essential Java programs commonly asked in interviews, and explanations and expected outputs. These programs cover fundamental topics like data structures, algorithms, and basic Java syntax—skills often tested to assess problem-solving ability and understanding of Java's core concepts.  So, let's get started now. Every Question is included in this post, but the answer is included on every page. I hope this post is helpful for you.  Java Programs Questions and Answers  Q1. Addition of Two Numbers Q2. Area of Circles  Q3. Area of Rectangle  Q4. Print 2D Array  Q5. Copy Array from A1 to A2 Q6. Sum of Natural Number Q7. Binary Search  Q8.Bitwise Operator Q9.Bubble Sort Q10. Calculator Percentage Q11. Char Array To String Q12. Constructor Example  Q13. Create File/IO Q14. Current Date and Time Q15. Date To String Q16. Binary To Decimal Q17. Decimal To Binary  Q18. Decimal To...

Python Complete Course In Hindi and English 2024 - Technology369kk

Python is a easy-to-learn high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for various purposes such as web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and much more working.  Created in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, Python is known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use, making it an ideal language for beginners and experts a like. Welcome to Python Complete Course, Guys in this post we learn details of Python Programming Language Complete Course divided into lots of Chapters with Units in Hindi and English, Such as History of Python, features, where is use and why is important and OPPs all chapter with real life example and practice questions, after that DSA Complete Course start,  So don't forget support with Like, Share and Follow So. Let's get started! Complete Java Course in 3 Units Unit 1: Basic Feature Chapter 1 :  Introduction in Python           1.0: Introduction :...

What Is Social Wi-Fi? Can Your Business Benefit From It? - Technology369kk

What is Social Wi-Fi?  Social WiFi is also known as a Wi-Fi Marketing, it is a business technique and part of network system, that allows customers to access free WiFi in physical locations using their social media identity. Social WiFi collects customer data such as names, emails and it uses for re-marketing purposes. Social WiFi can be configured to accept login from several social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, VK, Google and Line, and after that send marketing messages and gathering positive online reviews.  So, In this post we are sharing with you What is Social Wi-Fi and How it grow in your bussiness so let's follow me and known about that in details. Can Business Benefit?  Yes, Of course it is benefit for grow business marketing there are some following major points:  Customer data collection: Social Wi-Fi allows businesses to collect valuable customer data such as name, email, and demographics. This information can be used to create customer p...

JavaScript Complete Course - Technology369kk

  JavaScript About : JavaScript is a lightweight, scripting, interpreted type of programming language, Scripting means programs, that makes combination of programming instructions or code, it is use and makes for more then applications, so JavaScript is designed for creating network-centric applications. It is complimentary to and integrated with Java. JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML, It is open sources and cross platform.  JavaScript is web-dependent programming language, in this course we will be discussed in details about JavaScript programming language, so this tutorial has been prepared for JavaScript beginners to help them understand the basic functionality  of JavaScript to build dynamic web pages and web applications. But in this tutorial, it is assumed that the reader have a prior knowledge of HTML coding, It would help if the reader had some exposure to OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING  concepts and a general idea on ...

Top Interview Question and Answers For Freshers 2024 - Technology369kk

 Interview Question  Interview: An Interview is a process coversation where one participant asks questions and other participant provide answers in a formal ways. so interview is a one to one/more coversation process between interviewer and interviewe .  where interviwer asks questions and interviewee/condidates provided answers of questions, learn more.............. What do you known about interview and it's is importants for me and company. This is first and major questions for a freshers. So In this post we are discuss about lots of questions ask in every interviwers for selected candidates in our company. Questions For Both : Which types of candidates sutiable for this role(Interviwers)   Is this position suitable for me? (Candidates)  So, Baddy, In this post 1st of all we are discuss about interview, what is interview, Why is Importants, and Types of Interview with Features of Interview major details discuss in this post.  UNIT 1 : FOR FRESHERS...

Web Technology BCA Complete Course in English- Technology369kk

 WEB-TECHNOLOGY Web technology refers to the collection of tools, protocols, languages, and frameworks that are used to develop and maintain websites and web applications. It encompasses various aspects of web development, including client-side and server-side programming, markup languages, database management, networking protocols, and web servers. Here are some key components of web technology: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): HTML is the standard markup language used for creating the structure and content of web pages. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): CSS is a style sheet language that is used for describing the visual presentation of HTML documents. It allows web developers to control the layout, colors, fonts, and other design elements of a web page. JavaScript: JavaScript is a versatile programming language that enables dynamic behavior on web pages. It is commonly used for client-side scripting, allowing interactive features and functionality to be added to websites. Web Brow...

E-Commerce (BCA 6th Sem) Complete Course in Engish - Technology369kk

 E-COMMERCE Ans:-  E-commerce, short for electronic commerce , refers to the buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. It involves the use of electronic platforms such as websites, mobile applications, and social media to conduct transactions between businesses and consumers (B2C/B) or between businesses, E-commerce consists of business-to-consumer and business-to-business commerce as well as internal organizational transactions that support those activities.  The concept of e-commerce originated in a standard for the exchange of business documents such as orders or invoices between suppliers and their business customers. Over the past several years, e-commerce has rapidly evolved to become a combination of online and offline retail that is vertically integrated.  I hope this helps you understand what e-commerce is all about! Introduction Of Course:                In this course we will learn in detai...

VB.Net Complete Course In Hindi- Technology369kk

   (VB. Net )Visual Basic .Net definition:  VB.NET stands for Visual Basic.Net and  it is a computer programming language developed by Microsoft. It is also called  EVENT-  DRIVEN Programming Language. It is most of use a wide range of web, windows, office and Mobile Applications that have been built on the .NET- Framework.  Introduction of Course:  In this course we will learn in details of VB.NET in Hindi and English Language, Our .NET Tutorial we will guide to learn with Units + Chapters, each chapter in discuss in details Theory with Practical of every topic and implementations in Java for beginners based and advanced level and at last cover a Project On VB.NET, So let's go start now. Course Contents Unit No 1 !!! CHAPTER - 1 : VB.NET INTRODUCATION

RDBMS and MYSQL Complete Course (Notes) -Technology369kk

 DBMS DataBase Managment Systems What is Database? A database is a collection of information organized for easy creation, access, management and maintenance on databases. In other words:  Ans: A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored electronically in a computer system . A database is usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS), which is software that allows users to create, access, and manipulate data. Most databases use structured query language (SQL) for writing and querying data.  Example:  Telephone directory Customer data Product Inventory Visitors register Weather records There are many different types of databases, such as relational, object-oriented, NoSQL, and cloud databases Types of Data Models:   Recorded based on the Logical Model  Hierarchical Data Model Network Data Relational Data. Object-Based on Logical Model   Entity Relationship  Introduction of Course:...